Source code for check_pa.xml_reader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from nagiosplugin import CheckError

[docs]class XMLReader: """Extracts XML Data from Palo Alto REST API.""" def __init__(self, host, token, cmd): """Init XML Reader with required information. :param host: PaloAlto Firewall :param token: Generated token to access REST API. :param cmd: Command for the desired XML output. :return: the XMLReader object. """ = host self.token = token self.cmd = cmd
[docs] def read(self): """Performs a request with a given command to the XML API and reads the output. :return: The XML output parsed by soup. """ requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() resp = requests.get(self.build_request_url(), verify=False) if resp.status_code != 200: raise CheckError('Expected status code: 200 (OK), returned' ' status code was: %d' % resp.status_code) soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, "lxml-xml") result = soup.response['status'] if result != 'success': raise CheckError('Request didn\'t succeed, result was %s' % result) return soup
[docs] def build_request_url(self): """Creates the URL for a specific XML request. :return: URL. """ request_url = 'https://%s/api/?key=%s&type=op&cmd=%s' % (, self.token, self.cmd) return request_url
[docs]class Finder: @staticmethod
[docs] def find_item(item, s): """ Tries to find an item in a XML-structure. :param item: a tag object :param s: the search string :return: text of the first child-element found """ try: return item.find(s).text except AttributeError: raise CheckError('Couldn\'t find any matching item %s' % s)